Anti pass slender rod turning tips

The method of turning a lot of slender rod is generally carried out using anti-knife or walking away with the knife blade turning. But the anti-pass turning compared to walking down the knife turning, there are many advantages, most of them are used.
Likely to occur in the turning of two issues, one is the diamond shape, mainly large angle after the tool, tool holder and the workpiece with the R claw portion of the car out of the match due to the diameter; the other is the problem of bamboo, it is made in the mouth with a good shelf with rear turret, when the knife and take the knife to the cutting surface, a sudden increase in the depth of cut to the minimum, so that the cutting force changes in workpiece let out a knife, suddenly diameter Great, when the large diameter with the knife took the car out of the diameter and smaller, so the cycle, the machining of the workpiece is shaped bamboo.
In order to prevent the generation of bamboo-shaped, when a good car B segment rack port, with good careful with the knife, the knife after the anti-pass, when approaching the tip point A, the use of the carriage handle eat deep (0.04 ~ 0.08) mm, but should be flexible according to the size of the cutting depth. For more information please link our company official website:, please contact: